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Scris de Admin 26.08.17 22:36
» Comunitatea evreiască din Botoșani (2)
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» Comunitatea evreiască din Botoșani (1)
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» Romanizarea Romaniei 1940-44 legi antisemite, CNRomanizare
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Scris de Admin 25.02.17 20:07
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Rezumarea primului mesaj :
Se zice ca ar fi aparut un nou scandal in lumea medicala. Doctorii semnaleaza faptul ca barbatii au reactii alergice la prezervativele din latex. Acestea provoaca umflarea puternica a penisului. Si, care-i problema?
De starea vremii si dragoste, nimeni nu poate fi sigur.
Se zice ca ar fi aparut un nou scandal in lumea medicala. Doctorii semnaleaza faptul ca barbatii au reactii alergice la prezervativele din latex. Acestea provoaca umflarea puternica a penisului. Si, care-i problema?
De starea vremii si dragoste, nimeni nu poate fi sigur.
Ultima editare efectuata de catre Admin in 15.08.15 20:31, editata de 24 ori
Dustin Hoffman va debuta ca regizor
Dustin Hoffman va debuta ca regizor
Celebrul actor american Dustin Hoffman isi va face debutul ca regizor cu o comedie produsa de BBC Films.
Celebrul actor american Dustin Hoffman isi va face debutul ca regizor cu o comedie produsa de BBC Films.
Dustin Hoffman, actor de TV
Dustin Hoffman, actor de TV
Actorul american Dustin Hoffman a acceptat să joace în episodul-pilot al serialului de televiziune „Luck”,...
Actorul american Dustin Hoffman a acceptat să joace în episodul-pilot al serialului de televiziune „Luck”,...
Alice Hoffman
Alice Hoffman was born in New York City on March 16, 1952 and grew up on Long Island. After graduating from high school in 1969, she attended Adelphi University, from which she received a BA, and then received a Mirrellees Fellowship to the Stanford University Creative Writing Center, which she attended in 1973 and 74, receiving an MA in creative writing. She currently lives in Boston and New York.
Hoffman's first novel, Property Of, was written at the age of twenty-one, while she was studying at Stanford, and published shortly thereafter by Farrar Straus and Giroux. She credits her mentor, professor and writer Albert J. Guerard, and his wife, the writer Maclin Bocock Guerard, for helping her to publish her first short story in the magazine Fiction. Editor Ted Solotaroff then contacted her to ask if she had a novel, at which point she quickly began to write what was to become Property Of, a section of which was published in Mr. Solotaroff's magazine, American Review.
Since that remarkable beginning, Alice Hoffman has become one of our most distinguished novelists. She has published a total of eighteen novels, two books of short fiction, and eight books for children and young adults. Her novel, Here on Earth, an Oprah Book Club choice, was a modern reworking of some of the themes of Emily Bronte's masterpiece Wuthering Heights. Practical Magic was made into a Warner film starring Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman. Her novel, At Risk, which concerns a family dealing with AIDS, can be found on the reading lists of many universities, colleges and secondary schools. Hoffman's advance from Local Girls, a collection of inter-related fictions about love and loss on Long Island, was donated to help create the Hoffman Breast Center at Mt. Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, MA. Blackbird House is a book of stories centering around an old farm on Cape Cod. Hoffman's recent books include Aquamarine and Indigo, novels for pre-teens, and The New York Times bestsellers The River King, Blue Diary, The Probable Future, and The Ice Queen. Green Angel, a post-apocalyptic fairy tale about loss and love, was published by Scholastic and The Foretelling, a book about an Amazon girl in the Bronze Age, was published by Little Brown. In 2007 Little Brown published the teen novel Incantation, a story about hidden Jews during the Spanish Inquisition, which Publishers Weekly has chosen as one of the best books of the year. In January 2007, Skylight Confessions, a novel about one family's secret history, was released on the 30th anniversary of the publication of Hoffman's first novel. Her most recent novel is The Third Angel (2008), published by Shaye Areheart Books.
Hoffman's work has been published in more than twenty translations and more than one hundred foreign editions. Her novels have received mention as notable books of the year by The New York Times, Entertainment Weekly, The Los Angeles Times, Library Journal, and People Magazine. She has also worked as a screenwriter and is the author of the original screenplay “Independence Day,” a film starring Kathleen Quinlan and Diane Wiest. Her short fiction and non-fiction have appeared in The New York Times, The Boston Globe Magazine, Kenyon Review, Redbook, Architectural Digest, Gourmet, Self, and other magazines. Her teen novel Aquamarine was recently made into a film starring Emma Roberts.
Hoffman's first novel, Property Of, was written at the age of twenty-one, while she was studying at Stanford, and published shortly thereafter by Farrar Straus and Giroux. She credits her mentor, professor and writer Albert J. Guerard, and his wife, the writer Maclin Bocock Guerard, for helping her to publish her first short story in the magazine Fiction. Editor Ted Solotaroff then contacted her to ask if she had a novel, at which point she quickly began to write what was to become Property Of, a section of which was published in Mr. Solotaroff's magazine, American Review.
Since that remarkable beginning, Alice Hoffman has become one of our most distinguished novelists. She has published a total of eighteen novels, two books of short fiction, and eight books for children and young adults. Her novel, Here on Earth, an Oprah Book Club choice, was a modern reworking of some of the themes of Emily Bronte's masterpiece Wuthering Heights. Practical Magic was made into a Warner film starring Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman. Her novel, At Risk, which concerns a family dealing with AIDS, can be found on the reading lists of many universities, colleges and secondary schools. Hoffman's advance from Local Girls, a collection of inter-related fictions about love and loss on Long Island, was donated to help create the Hoffman Breast Center at Mt. Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, MA. Blackbird House is a book of stories centering around an old farm on Cape Cod. Hoffman's recent books include Aquamarine and Indigo, novels for pre-teens, and The New York Times bestsellers The River King, Blue Diary, The Probable Future, and The Ice Queen. Green Angel, a post-apocalyptic fairy tale about loss and love, was published by Scholastic and The Foretelling, a book about an Amazon girl in the Bronze Age, was published by Little Brown. In 2007 Little Brown published the teen novel Incantation, a story about hidden Jews during the Spanish Inquisition, which Publishers Weekly has chosen as one of the best books of the year. In January 2007, Skylight Confessions, a novel about one family's secret history, was released on the 30th anniversary of the publication of Hoffman's first novel. Her most recent novel is The Third Angel (2008), published by Shaye Areheart Books.
Hoffman's work has been published in more than twenty translations and more than one hundred foreign editions. Her novels have received mention as notable books of the year by The New York Times, Entertainment Weekly, The Los Angeles Times, Library Journal, and People Magazine. She has also worked as a screenwriter and is the author of the original screenplay “Independence Day,” a film starring Kathleen Quinlan and Diane Wiest. Her short fiction and non-fiction have appeared in The New York Times, The Boston Globe Magazine, Kenyon Review, Redbook, Architectural Digest, Gourmet, Self, and other magazines. Her teen novel Aquamarine was recently made into a film starring Emma Roberts.
Celebrităţi mondiale cu origini româneşti
Celebrităţi mondiale cu origini româneşti
Sunt cunoscuţi în întreaga lume şi nu şi-au negat originile: Lauren Bacall, Jean Negulesco sau Dustin Hoffman au sânge românesc.
Sunt cunoscuţi în întreaga lume şi nu şi-au negat originile: Lauren Bacall, Jean Negulesco sau Dustin Hoffman au sânge românesc.
Dustin Hoffman: monogamia este anormala
Dustin Hoffman: monogamia este anormala
Dustin Hoffman, a carui casatorie cu cea de-a doua sotie dureaza de 27 de ani, a matrurisit ca i se pare anormal sa iubeasca o singura persoana. ...
Dustin Hoffman, a carui casatorie cu cea de-a doua sotie dureaza de 27 de ani, a matrurisit ca i se pare anormal sa iubeasca o singura persoana. ...
Dustin Hoffman şi-a promis să nu se mai scobească în nas
Dustin Hoffman şi-a promis să nu se mai scobească în nas
Hoffman schimba prefixul
Hoffman schimba prefixul
Dustin Hoffman, un actor laureat cu Oscar, despre care s-a spus ca ar avea parinti de origine romana, implineste maine 70 de ani.
Dustin Hoffman, un actor laureat cu Oscar, despre care s-a spus ca ar avea parinti de origine romana, implineste maine 70 de ani.
Ultima editare efectuata de catre Admin in 21.12.09 15:52, editata de 1 ori
Dustin Hoffman şi Emma Thompson împreună pe ecrane
Dustin Hoffman şi Emma Thompson împreună pe ecrane
Dustin Hoffman şi Emma Thompson vor filma împreună în luna septembrie la Londra un film romantic. Lungmetrajul se va numi "Last Chance Harvey" şi va fi regizat de Joel Hopkins.
Dustin Hoffman şi Emma Thompson vor filma împreună în luna septembrie la Londra un film romantic. Lungmetrajul se va numi "Last Chance Harvey" şi va fi regizat de Joel Hopkins.
Dustin Hoffman credea ca este prea urât pentru a deveni cele
Dustin Hoffman credea ca este prea urât pentru a deveni celebru
Dustin Hoffman, câstigator al unui premiu Oscar, a declarat recent ca în primii ani ai c..
Citeste toata stirea
Dustin Hoffman, câstigator al unui premiu Oscar, a declarat recent ca în primii ani ai c..
Citeste toata stirea
Dustin Hoffman critica dur calitatea filmelor de astazi
Dustin Hoffman critica dur calitatea filmelor de astazi
Actorul hollywoodian Dustin Hoffman, aflat in turneu de promovare la
Londra a comediei "Meet The Fockers", a criticat dur calitatea
filmelor si productiilor teatrale din prezent. Hoffman, care a jucat
in filme precum "Rain Man" si "Tootsie", a declarat la o conferinta
de presa ca, dupa parerea sa, cultura cinematografica din zilele
noastre este "un gunoi". Actorul in varsta de 67 de ani a mai spus ca
a incetat sa mai lucreze ca actor de cativa ani pentru ca nu mai este
atras de nici un rol care i se ofera. "Mergi la cinematograf si iti
dai seama ca ceea ce vezi este al treilea act, iar primul si al
doilea nu exista. Se fac masiv filme incredibil de scumpe care sa
mearga direct la mase. Cultura in general este intr-o mare criza. Nu
este vorba doar de filme, ci si de teatru. Pe Broadway, si in ultima
vreme si la Londra, este mare cererea de efecte speciale. Pentru
cultura, aceasta nu este o perioada buna", a declarat actorul.
Hoffman a renuntat aproape complet la actorie, preferand sa scrie si
sa regizeze. "Cu cativa ani in urma, rolurile pe care le primeam au
incetat sa-mi mai placa. Studiourile nu mai erau interesate de genul
de filme pe care cei din generatia mea voiau sa le vada. Mi-am zis ca
mai bine ma retrag si incerc sa scriu si sa regizez. La vremea aceea
nu eram constient de depresiunea care se instala", a spus el. Totusi,
in ultima vreme, Hoffman a avut roluri in "I Heart
Huckabees", "Finding Neverland" si "Meet the Fockers", continuarea
comediei de succes "Meet the Parents".
Se zice ca ar fi aparut un nou scandal in lumea medicala. Doctorii semnaleaza faptul ca barbatii au reactii alergice la prezervativele din latex. Acestea provoaca umflarea puternica a penisului. Si, care-i problema?
De starea vremii si dragoste, nimeni nu poate fi sigur.
Se zice ca ar fi aparut un nou scandal in lumea medicala. Doctorii semnaleaza faptul ca barbatii au reactii alergice la prezervativele din latex. Acestea provoaca umflarea puternica a penisului. Si, care-i problema?
De starea vremii si dragoste, nimeni nu poate fi sigur.
Ultima editare efectuata de catre Admin in 15.08.15 20:31, editata de 24 ori
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