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» Romanizarea Romaniei 1940-44 legi antisemite, CNRomanizare
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Burns[v=] Empty Re: Burns[v=]

Mesaj Scris de Admin 17.10.13 19:43

Robert Burns

  • Poems And Songs Of Robert Burns

  • Essays

    • Life of Robert Burns

  • Poetry

    • A Bard's Epitaph
    • A Dedication to Gavin Hamilton Esq.
    • A Dream
    • A Grace
    • A Grace Before Dinner
    • A Grace Before Meat
    • A Mother's Lament
    • A Vision
    • A Winter Night
    • Address of Beelzebub
    • Address to an Illegitimate Child
    • Address to Edinburgh
    • Address to the Deil
    • Address to the Shade of Thomsen
    • Address to the Toothache
    • Address to the Wood Lark
    • Addressed to Mr. Mitchell
    • Anna With the Gowden Locks
    • As I Was A-Wand'ring
    • Auld Lang Syne
    • Awa Whigs, Awa
    • Banks Of Doon
    • Bannockburn
    • Bess and Her Spinning Wheel
    • Blithe Was She
    • Blythe Hae I Been
    • Bonnie Jean
    • Ca' The Ewes
    • Caledonia
    • Captain Matthew Henderson
    • Cock Up Your Beaver
    • Come Boat Me O'er To Charlie
    • Coming Through the Rye
    • Country Lassie
    • Craigie-burn Wood
    • Death and Dr. Hornbrook
    • Despondency: An Ode
    • Duncan Gray
    • Epistle to Hugh Parker
    • Epistle to Major Logan
    • Epistle to William Creech
    • Epitaph on Holy Willie
    • First Epistle to Davie
    • First Epistle to Robert Graham Esq of Fintray
    • Flow Gently, Sweet Afton
    • Fragment to C.J. Fox
    • Gane Is The Day
    • Halloween
    • Handsome Nell
    • Here's A Health
    • Highland Mary
    • Holy Willie's Prayer
    • How Long and Dreary is the Night
    • Hypocrisy a-la-Mode
    • I Dream'd I Lay
    • I Murder Hate
    • In The Character Of A Ruined Farmer
    • Inscription on a Goblet
    • Jamie Come Try Me
    • Jockey's Ta'en the Parting Kiss
    • John Anderson
    • John Barleycorn
    • Lass of Inverness
    • Last May A Braw Wooer
    • Letter to James Tennant of Glenconnor
    • Liberty
    • Lines on Stirling
    • Lord Gregory
    • Luckless Fortune
    • MacPherson's Farewell
    • Man Was Made to Mourn
    • Mary, Queen of Scots
    • Menie
    • Montgomery's Peggy
    • My Collier Laddie
    • My Father Was a Farmer
    • My Heart Was Ance
    • My Heart's in the Highlands
    • My Lady's Gown
    • My Love She's But a Lassie Yet
    • My Luve's Like A Red, Red Rose
    • Naebody
    • Nannie
    • Nature's Law
    • O Philly, Happy Be That Day
    • O Tibbie, I Hae Seen the Day
    • O, What Ye Wha's In Yon Town
    • Of A' The Airts The Wind Can Blaw
    • On A Scotch Bard, Gone to the West Indies
    • On A Suicide
    • On Cessnock Banks
    • On Pastoral Poetry
    • On the Birth of a Posthumous Child
    • On the death of Sir James Hunter Blair
    • On the Seas and Far Away
    • Parnassus Hill
    • Peg Nicholson
    • Peggy
    • Poetical Address Mr. Tytler
    • Poor Mailie's Elegy
    • Prayer - In the Prospect of Death
    • Prayer - Under the Pressure of Violent Anguish
    • Prayer for Adam Armour
    • Rattlin' Roarin' Willie
    • Raving Winds Around Her Blowing
    • Remorse - A Fragment
    • Robin
    • Scotch Drink
    • Second Epistle to Davie
    • Song of Death
    • Sonnet written on the Birthday of the Author
    • Stanzas - On the Same Occasion
    • Stay, My Charmer
    • Strathallan's Lament
    • Streams That Glide In Orient Plains
    • Such A Parcel Of Rogues
    • Sweet Closed the Evening
    • Tam O' Shanter
    • The American War
    • The Auld Farmer's New Year Morning Salutation
    • The Banks of the Devon
    • The Battle of Sheriff Muir
    • The Blude Red Rose
    • The Bonnie Wee Thing
    • The Book Worms
    • The Brigs of Ayr
    • The Carle of Kellyburn Braes
    • The Cooper O' Cuddie
    • The Cotter's Saturday Night
    • The Creed of Poverty
    • The Cure For All Care
    • The Dean of Faculty
    • The Death and Dying Words of Poor Mailie
    • The Deil's Awa Wi' Th' Exciseman
    • The Dumfries Volunteers
    • The Fete Champetre
    • The First Psalm
    • The First Six Verses of the Ninetieth Psalm
    • The Five Carlins
    • The Gallant Weaver
    • The Gloomy Night
    • The Heron Ballads
    • The Highland Laddie
    • The Highland Lassie
    • The Highland Welcome
    • The Highland Widow's Lament
    • The Inventory
    • The Jolly Beggars
    • The Kirk's Alarm
    • The Laddies by the banks O' Nith
    • The Lass of Ballochmyle
    • The Ploughman
    • The Poor and Honest Sodger
    • The Rantin' Dog
    • The Red, Red Rose
    • The Rights of Woman
    • The Selkirk Grace
    • The Tailor
    • The Toad Eater
    • The Toast
    • The Twa Dogs
    • The Twa Herds
    • The Vision
    • The Vowels
    • The Whistle
    • The Wounded Hare
    • The Young Highland Rover
    • There Was A Lass
    • Tibbie Dunbar
    • To a Haggis
    • To A Lady
    • To A Louse
    • To A Mountain Daisy
    • To A Mouse
    • To Mrs. Scott of Wauchope
    • To Ruin
    • To Sir John Whitfoord
    • To the Noble Duke of Athole
    • To William Smith
    • Tragic Fragment
    • Verses Written Under the Portrait of Fergusson
    • Wandering Willie
    • Wee Winsome Thing
    • When Januar' Wind
    • Whistle, And I'll Come To You
    • Willie Brew'd
    • Willie Chalmers
    • Willie Wastle
    • Winter - A Dirge
    • Written at Inverary
    • Written in Friars Carse Hermitage
    • Written on a Bank Note
    • Written on the Blank Leaf of a copy of My Poems
    • Ye Jacobites By Name
    • Yon Wild Mossy Mountains
    • Young Jockey
    • Young Peggy


Numarul mesajelor : 135929
Data de inscriere : 15/12/2005


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Burns[v=] Empty George Burns

Mesaj Scris de Admin 15.01.08 11:06

George Burns (născut Nathan Birnbaum la 20 ianuarie 1896 – d. 9 martie 1996) a fost un actor evreu-american de film.

Numarul mesajelor : 135929
Data de inscriere : 15/12/2005


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Burns[v=] Empty Robert Burns

Mesaj Scris de Admin 15.01.08 11:05

Robert Burns
In 21 iulie 1796 a murit Robert Burns, in Dumfries, Scotia, la 37 de ani. Cu un deceniu inainte, i se publicase volumul Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect (editia Kilmarnock), pentru care a fost numit poetul plugar si vocea Scotiei. Aceasta faima, scrie William Grierson in jurnalul sau, in ziua inmormantarii lui Burns, a fost cauza confuziei poetului si a mortii sale:
"Cred ca geniul sau extraordinar i-a adus moartea atat de repede, compania sa fiind cautata de tot felul de persoane si fiind un temperament bland si usor influentabil, a fost tarat in diferite scene care i-au slabit sanatatea si i-au ruinat conditia fizica"
Burns neaga acest lucru, scriind ca atunci cand basica faimei era mai mare, el a stat mai drept ca oricand, si nimic n-a putut sa il doboare. Pe de alta parte, mama sa a atras atentia asupra goliciunii acestei basici a faimei, iar cand i s-a inaltat prima statuie, ea ar fi spus: "ei, Robbie.. tu ai cerut paine si ti-au dat o piatra."
In "Dirt & Deity", cea mai recenta si buna biografie a lui Burns, Ian McIntyre face un sumar celor doua secole ce au trecut in care Burns a devenit omul cu cele mai multe statui, busturi si bronzuri, in fata lui la numar aflandu-se doar Columb (si Lenin intr-o perioada).
"Burns asezat, Burns ascultand, Burns sprijinit intr-un bat, Burns langa un copac. Burns la scara reala in Adelaide, Burns de 11 picioare in San Francisco. Fara palarie si cu camasa cu maneci in Barre VT, cu boneta si frac in Auckland. In Aberdeen e serios si demn, in Central Park suferind, sincer in Ayr, cu o expresie goala in Dumfries. Burns compunand poezii, Burns uitandu-se la o stea, Burns tinand un buchet de margarete.."
Citim despre un Burns glorificat si satirizat, libertinizat si insanatosit, comercializat, politicizat, feminizat, judecat pentru paternitate si diagnosticat (mort din cauze de consum de alcool, endocardita reumatica, boala lui Kussmaul, leucemie, TBC...).. in Tokyo la semnul de pietoni "trecerea libera" se aude "Coming through the Rye".. si cum McIntyre si-a luat titlul cartii dintr-un comentariu al lui Byron facut dupa citirea scrisorilor lui Burns:
"Sunt pline de injuraturi si cantece obscene. Ce minte plina de contradictii! - blandete, duritate - delicatete, obscenitate - demnitate si decadere, murdarie si divinitate - totul amestecat in acel lut inpirat!"
Daca azi il imbratisam, Burns cat a trait a imbratisat totul. Cateva versuri din "A Poet's Welcome to his Bastart Wean", poem inclus intr-una din scrisori, dar nepublicat in timpul vietii sale, si apoi publicat sub un title mai placut, "A Poet's "Welcome to his Love-Begotten Daughter":
"Welcome! my bonie, sweet, wee dochter ,
Tho' ye come here a wee unsought for,
And tho' your comin' I hae fought for,
Baith kirk and queir;
Yet, by my faith, ye're no unwrought for,
That I shall swear!"

Numarul mesajelor : 135929
Data de inscriere : 15/12/2005


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Burns[v=] Empty Burns[v=]

Mesaj Scris de Admin 24.09.07 19:56

Burns[v=] Th?id=JN.0EL6yYNipijpNYl9KQHvYg&w=143&h=145&c=7&rs=1&qlt=90&o=4&pid=1ROBERT  BOURNS-
2]Un om cinstit este cea mai nobila lucrare a lui Dumnezeu.
1]"Nu sint ceea ce-ar trebui sa fiu, / Nici chiar cel ce-as putea sa fiu".
Burns[v=] Citat-George-Burns.fw_-638x338GEORGE  BOURNS-
8]Nu e nimic in neregula sa faci dragoste cu luminile aprinse. Asigura-te doar ca sunt usile (masinii) inchise.
7]As citi revista Playboy mai des, dar mi se tot aburesc ochelarii.
6]Sexul la 90 de ani este ca si cand ai juca biliard cu o funie.
5]Pe cînd eram eu copil, Marea Moartă era doar bolnavă.
4]Imi amintesc ca era o vreme cand aerul era curat si sexul murdar.
3]Nu-mi trebuie decat o bere ca sa ma imbete… Problema este ca nu-mi amintesc daca este a treisprezecea sau a paisprezecea…
2]Fericirea constă din a avea o familie numeroasă, iubitoare, unită… şi care locuieşte în alt oraş.
1]Nu sta in pat. Sau stai in pat, dar doar daca faci bani din asta.

Ultima editare efectuata de catre Admin in 01.07.15 13:32, editata de 20 ori

Numarul mesajelor : 135929
Data de inscriere : 15/12/2005


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Burns[v=] Empty Re: Burns[v=]

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